Thursday, May 30, 2019

The League Of Nations And Its Impact On World Peace Essay examples --

Through my studies and research I have come to thefollowing conclusion about the unify of Nations contemptall of President Woodrow Wilsons efforts, the League wasdoomed to fail. I feel this was so for many reasons, someof which I hope to convey in the following report. From the daylight when Congress voted on the Fourteen Points, it wasobvious that the League had a very slim chance of beingpassed in Congress, and without all of the World powers, theLeague had bantam chance of surviving.On November 11, 1918 an armistice was declared inEurope. Wilson saw the opportunity to form an internationalorganization of peace to be formed. He acted quickly. OnJanuary 18, 1919 he released his fourteen points. TheFourteen Points consisted of many things, but the mostimportant was the fourteenth-the establishment of a leagueof nations to settle international disputes and to keep thepeace. after(prenominal) congress had voted, lone(prenominal) three of Wilsonsfourteen points were accepted witho ut compromise. Six ofthe others were rejected all together. Fortunately theLeague was compromised.Wilson then went to Europe to discuss the Treaty ofVersailles. Representatives from Italy, France, and Britaindidnt want to work with the nations they had defeated. They treasured to hurt them. After much fighting andnegotiating, Wilson managed to convince them that a leagueof nations was not only feasible, it was necessary.The Senate supported most of the Treaty of Versaillesbut not the League. They ruling it would make the U.S.A.too involved in foreign affairs. Wilson saw that the Leaguemay not make it through Congress, so he went on the highroad andgave speeches to sway the public opinion. Unfortunately,Wilsons health, which was already depleted from thenegotiations in France, continued to recede. Wilsons battlewith his health reached its climax when Wilson had a strokeon his train between speeches.After Wisons stroke, support of the League weakened,both in Congress and in the pub lics opinion. In 1920 G.Harding, who opposed the League, was elected as president.The League formed but the U.S. never joined.The first base meeting of the League was held in Geneva,Switzerland on November 15, 1920 with fourty two nationsrepresented. During twenty-six years the League lived, atotal of sixty-three nations were represented at one quantify orano... effect its own dissolution,whereupon much of its property and organization weretransferred to the United Nations which had resently beenfounded. Never truly effective as a peace keepingorganization, the permanent importance of the League ofNations lies in the fact that it provided the groundwork forthe United Nations. This international alliance, formedafter World War 2, not only profited by the mistakes of theLeague but borrowed much of the organizational machinics ofthe League of Nations. The League of Nations and its impact on world peaceJohn JamesMrs. HippeHistoryMarch 7, 1996Bibliography Mothner, Ira. Woodrow W ilson, Champion of Peace. cutting YorkWatts Inc., 1969Mason, Lorna Garcia, Jesus Powell, Frances Risinger,Fredrick. Americas Past and Promise. BostonMcDougal Littell, 1995Albright, Madeleine. "America and the League of Nations,Lessons for Today" SpeechUnited States Department of State 1994McNally, Rand. Atlas of World History. New YorkReed supranational Books Limited, 1992Microsoft. "The League of Nations."Excarta 95. 1995

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